Collateral Damage
Whatever actions are taken concerning animals will inevitably impact humans as well. These animals and their habitats contribute significantly to ecotourism in the region.

Close Encounters
Mfalme, a 35-year-old southern white rhino, bears a name that aptly translates to “king” in Swahili. With his towering build and impressive horn, he exudes a commanding presence that captures our attention effortlessly. Despite his poor eyesight, his keen sense of smell and inquisitive nature drives him closer to our vehicle, compensating for his visual […]

The Zambian WayThe Success Story of Wild Dogs in the Luangwa Valley
Despite an overall downward trend in the wild dog population across Africa the Luangwa Valley has seen an uptick. Amish Chhagan explore the reasons why this is the case.

Frozen Moment
There is a certain kind of empowerment I feel being able to capture wildlife in its element, with the detail and frozen moment that a lens can apprehend. Something beyond what your eye and the passing time can capture. The texture of an elephant’s skin, with all its exterior toughness yet intricate crevices; the cheetah’s […]

Chags Photography
rowing up in Zambia, I was fortunate to have numerous opportunities to explore the flora and fauna of this…