Dooderonomy – 52

I recently bought some rear differential mount bushes for my wife’s car online. Now let us not worry about…

<p data-block-key="j7zev">Dooderonomy – 52</p>

I recently bought some rear differential mount bushes for my wife’s car online. Now let us not worry about what that is, just know that it is some part that was needed when her car was being serviced and I couldn’t find the same in Zambia. Hence, I went online, checked in South Africa, called many phone numbers, finally found it, placed an order, paid and had it shipped to Zambia. As I write this article the item hasn’t yet arrived but I do have tracking of the package and there is a delay which is common now in COVID days. I am patiently waiting for the same.

The problem is that I paid for the bushes through my bank. The transfer was done, the supplier confirmed receiving the funds and only then shipped the goods. However, 3 to 4 days after shipping the goods I have been inundated by the supplier in emails saying that the transfer didn’t go through and that I should pay again. I checked with my bank here and they are categorically clear that the money has gone out of my account and insist that I should ask the supplier to check his account.

Disclaimer – Before proceeding I would like to make it sufficiently clear that I do not like to owe anyone money. Neither do I like to cheat anyone. As far as I am concerned, I have paid and in full and in advance.

This got out of hand and downright irritating. One morning after many fights through email and phone I was sent yet another email. Below is an excerpt of my email exchange:

SU – Supplier / DM – Dooderman

SU – Hi, this is to bring to your notice that further to many exchanges of emails you still owe us ZAR ****.**. We request you to immediately make payment for the same and share the payment proof.

DM – Hi, we have gone over this many times!!! I have sent you proof, you guys even confirmed receiving the payment, why do you keep sending me these emails???

SU – Hi, as mentioned you still owe us ZAR ****.**. We request you to immediately make payment for the same and share the payment proof.

DM – Hi, my wife drew this caterpillar, I am sending you. According to her the value of the drawing is ZAR ****.**. Amazingly it is the exact amount that I owe you. Hence, we can now consider the account settled. Thank you.

SU – Hi, sorry, we do not accept drawings as payment for spares which we have sold. We will only accept cash / cheque / bank transfers as payment. You still owe us ZAR ****.**. We request you to immediately make payment for the same and share the payment proof.

DM – Hi, can I please have my wife’s drawing back?

SU – Hi, we are not sure of what you mean, you emailed the drawing to us.

DM – Hi, if you cannot accept it as payment, please return the drawing that I sent you.

SU – Hi, do you mean like this?

DM – Hi, thank you for returning my wife’s caterpillar drawing. I showed it to her and she is convinced that it is not the same caterpillar. Please can you return her caterpillar and not any other caterpillar?

SU – Hi, this is ridiculous, it is the exact same one which you emailed us which was returned. You still owe us ZAR ****.**. We request you to immediately make payment for the same and share the payment proof.

DM – Hi, my wife isn’t really impressed that her husband is being conned by a supplier. The caterpillar which my wife drew had 8 legs the one you have returned has 11. Please can you return her caterpillar?

SU – Hi, we have checked what you sent us and what we sent you back!!! It is exactly the same caterpillar!!! You still owe us ZAR ****.**. We request you to immediately make payment for the same and share the payment proof. We will be pursuing other means necessary if you do not make the payment immediately and in full. We look forward to a quick resolution on the same.

DM – Hi, I sincerely apologize, it was all my wife’s fault, she has many drawings of caterpillars and had gotten mixed up. She has now confirmed that you have returned the correct caterpillar drawing, I hence would like to consider this case now closed.

SU – Hi, this case isn’t closed!!! You still owe us ZAR ****.**. We request you to immediately make payment for the same and share the payment proof. If you aren’t willing to do the same, please let us know so that we pursue other means to resolve the situation.

DM – Hi, I discussed the same with my wife and she suggested that we settle with you. Hence, we are now sending you a new drawing, if you carefully examine the same, she has drawn more legs this time, this is actually worth more than the ZAR ****.** that I owe you, trust this will suffice and that you will not have to ‘pursue other means’. I look forward to fitting the spares on my wife’s car.

I haven’t heard back from them since, but every time my doorbell at home rings I go into hiding!

Dooderonomy will resume later, until then, goodbye.

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