Human Resources
My employment contract mentions that I have some sort of expertise, that I’m expected to give so many hours to my employer, and that I have a funeral policy. That’s about it. Although I appreciate the far-sightedness of offering funeral plans to workers in their twenties, it turns out that HR doesn’t really know what my job description is, either.

A Coming of Age
As most of my dear readers know, I leave my passive-aggressive musings for this column and save my more overtly aggressive outbursts for road-raging, where they belong.

Between Sky and Water
The water was cold. Like it had been brewing in the dark, damp belly of the mountain all night long. The bright winter sun and the crisp morning air attending to it had little effect on it.
Sole Searching
Few things are more satisfying than ordering a pair of good shoes online. Like watching the package’s slow journey from one international hub to another, it is a spiritual experience.

In The Company of Lions: Untamed Busanga
About eight figures were lined up next to a tree as we drove up a slight incline from the straight, flat dirt road cutting the plains from east to west.
Product Recall
Ah yes, the fresh smell of an in-flight magazine. I would say I missed it, but I never really left.Maybe you missed my last column, and perhaps that’s for the best.
Farewell, sucker
When you get off this plane, greet the hostess goodbye and try to forget the in-flight food, I want you to think of all the good times we had together.

Tourist Trap
Travelling, they say, opens the mind. Not in a directly spiritual way (unless you are consuming class A drugs)

Personality of The Year
Celebrities are a blight upon this world. There – I’ve spilt the beans, let the cat out of the bag, blown the gaff. I’ve said what others shouldn’t but still somehow do

I Put A Spell on You
Love is such a strange, omnipresent, wonderful, and pedestrian thing that it needs to be protected.

Modzi Arts:A Thriving Cultural Hub
Modzi Arts Centre, is centred around ‘oneness’ a unity of artistic practices, ideas

In This Economy?
Lately, I’ve been fielding questions about the meaning of my life and its proposed contours

African Creatives and a New Kind of Economy
Leveraging African creatives and content creators is a relatively affordable alternative

Artificial Intelligence and the Everlasting Allure of Digital Romance
Part whimsical experiment conducted in a state of out-of-mind boredom, part serious experiment for the improvement of all mankind;

The Year That Could Be
Flipping through this publication in that slightly amused manner peculiar to reading in-flight magazines, you may be further surprised to find a new name attached to this column.